The Blank That Fills Me Up

The Blank That Fills Me Up

It’s everywhere - 
In the ace of spades 
I carry in my phone case 
In the simple black ring 
I wear everywhere 
In my poetry 
In my lone sketches 
It’s everywhere 
This big wide space 
This blank - 
Where attraction should be
I feel it in the grin 
Of a handsome guy 
I know there should be something
And yet - 
There isn’t 
It’s everywhere 
In my Instagram explore page
In the TikToks my friend sends
In the purple hearts so often seen
I never knew 
A blank could be - 
So beautiful 
I never knew 
Absence could be so heartwarming
I never knew an empty space
Could be so full 
And yet -
It is.

if fire is the greatest human creation

if fire is the greatest human creation

My hips don't tell either

My hips don't tell either