A Case For Platonic Dancing

The most romantic part

of a Jane Austen movie

when the romantic leads dance

but it was Emma who said

“There may be a hundred 

ways of being in love”

A dance could be learning

the steps of growing up

between us and expectations

put upon us by others

like to find our “other half”

to marry and have children

When I was ten years old

I was in love with overalls

because they made me feel cute

then a fashion tv show 

said they are unflattering

so I stopped wearing them

Wish I had a spoiler alert

to let me know that my

other half wasn't a boy

it was the overalls

a girl didn't have to be

flattering to anyone

Whenever I'm in love

I should be in a dance

of gender euphoria

and aesthetic attraction

instead of stumbling

through these unfamiliar steps

My new dance includes going 

on dates with a movie

not to one with a date

and my first date movie was

the new 2020 adaption

of Emma by Jane Austen

The joy of a romcom 

even for aro ace me

is that no matter how

many missed steps there are

between the characters

there is a happy ending

I had not watched other films

or read Emma before

so I did not realize that 

a step was missing until 

I finally read the book 

and found a unique dance

I didn't understand Frank 

until I read it and thought

he and Emma were dancing

together in a bubble

while causing chaos to 

everyone in their orbit

A woman and a man

on equal footing and flawed

requiring apology

they were each other's “other half”

in a sense of plot symmetry

instead of a romance

“There is a likeness in 

their destiny” because 

they both marry someone 

better than themselves 

they both stumbled badly 

but are still loved and friends  

Their dynamic along with Jane

was a unique disaster

drama and resolution

Ending in two friendships

I wish it hadn't been

put on the cutting room floor

Platonic relationships

can be just as messy and

entertaining as romance

I loved the triangle

of Emma, Jane, and Frank 

in this unexpected light

Yes I am the one who 

may like the platonic

more than the romantic

and includes friendship

as one of the hundred

different kinds of love

I really want more stories 

with more unique dances

or reinvented steps

as they explore humans

who stumble on the way 

to their happy endings

“Once a beginning is made”

and the enjoyment of 

platonic dancing is felt

it is impossible 

for my aro ace self

to not ask for more more more

Love, Lethe: a (very) small collection of haiku’s

Snapshots of aromantic childhood love