for Rosie Clarke

you say write a poem
about being in the kitchen
while I am sitting
at the kitchen island but
I can’t write
a poem while perched at the kitchen
island I say I need
a dining table at least
and you say
dining table! la de da
dr dining table
where would we put it
I have never had a dining table in my life
and I say you
know there are already a great
many poems about lovers in the kitchen
and you say what about
lesbians in the kitchen and I say
oh yeah I guess so so you
say hm well
and turn to take the leftover peach
crumble out of the fridge
but the issue is really that none
of those poems have
in them but the issue is
no poem has ever (a)speculated
on a doing like ours but the issue is now
the conversation has moved on
I am still thinking of you
what else is there
to say? which is why
I am posting this on my instagram
story at 10:16pm.

Asexual/Aromantic Concerns, Gay Spaces: Anti-Amatonormativity and the United Kingdom Gay Liberation Front

Asexual/Aromantic Concerns, Gay Spaces: Anti-Amatonormativity and the United Kingdom Gay Liberation Front

lavender, spearmint, and herb garden

lavender, spearmint, and herb garden