“It’ll get better when you start having sex.” Tears welled up in my eyes as she continued to fill me in on next steps and left the room…
All in Vol 1 Iss 3
“It’ll get better when you start having sex.” Tears welled up in my eyes as she continued to fill me in on next steps and left the room…
I am proud to be asexual, and proud I stood by it even when I could tell it wore on my partner.
“My body will be empty, and I will be asexual. My body will create a whole new person, and I will be asexual.“
You don’t seem to feel things the way that other people do. It’s been ten years; fifteen, and that hasn’t changed.
For the asexual whose body is inherently sexualized, they may be deemed to be too inherently sexual to be asexual, directly conflicting with their ability to claim and have access to the identity of asexuality on a societal level.
Gay and queer asexual masculinities could challenge erotic bodily regimes but at the same time exist precariously within them.
…we are told that skinny is better and more attractive, and being overweight is, not only unhealthy, but unattractive.
My ideal scenario is for other people to see me as attractive in the same exact way that I find people attractive: aesthetically, rather than sexually.
Oil and Conte Crayon Mixed Media Painting by Ashley Kleczka.