I was first aware of gender when my voice changed.
All in Personal
I was first aware of gender when my voice changed.
All the girls wore plaid jumpers until I turned ten years old.
I write a lot about intimacy. I write about my understanding of it.
Not so long ago, a friend of mine told me that people that knew me from school were surprised to hear that I was interested in feminist topics.
Someone has to leave first. This is a very old story. There is no other version of this story.
Without boundaries, without expectations, without conformity.
“And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how the sausage is made.”
“I - really? You still want to be friends even if I don’t want to date you?”
“’But for one glorious moment, I touched the sun.’”
fortunately, this is rarely an issue with my gay friends since i'm clear about my boundaries. i do feel like an outcast at times, though.
So for now, I’ll walk that tightrope of compromise, walk, and fall and fall again until I have my footing.
But what if both perspectives meet somewhere in the middle? What if they weren’t straight, and what if they weren’t gay? What if they were homoromantic, even asexual?
I can finally say, I am much healthier and happier without her. From 2022 until some day, I have someone who understands the Asexual experience, and loves me.